

…But, I can’t help thinking that we are developing into a nation of bingers. Our appetites are being distorted by the desire for more and more and the very latest, latest, as consumerism and the thirst for more and more dominates our culture. So many people…

"Change …"

"Change …"

What do you want more than anything in life?

Ask that question of somebody who has been injured and finds their health irreparably damaged, and they’d probably say, “My health back”. In John’s Gospel (5:1-9) is recorded a moment where Jesus asked a crippled man what seems to be a very strange question…

"The Bread of zōē …"

"The Bread of zōē …"

John uses bread as a symbol here. Bread was the basic food staple of Jesus’ day. It was just so basic for sustaining life, as was water. Bread and water – it doesn’t get any more basic than that for one’s physical nourishment. Of course, you will recall that Jesus again pointed to this issue in what we call the “Lord’s Prayer” …

"How will you be remembered?"

"How will you be remembered?"

At most funerals I have attended, or led, the life being remembered usually has some elements in the eulogies that hints at some flaw, or negative trait. That’s not a bad thing, of course, it’s important to acknowledge these things if for no other reason than honestly remembering. Authentic memorials are really important. People appreciate that. Of course, that’s a question of degree. I have heard some very…

"Sweet surrender …"

"Sweet surrender …"

At first glance we might think that this is the way by which we get what we want in life. Well, it is … and it isn’t. Let me explain. It isn’t the way we get what we want in that we delight in the Lord, and He turns into some genie who grants our every wish. That attitude seriously misunderstands what the psalmist (Solomon) is saying, and completely misrepresents who God is to us.

"Walk with Jesus into Easter 2022 …"

"Walk with Jesus into Easter 2022 …"

So where was Jesus? And what exactly did He do and say each day of the last week before His death? Here is the Biblical narrative gleaned from the Gospel accounts themselves and arranged chronologically for you to be reading this week, so that you might journey with the Lord and meditate on what really happened each day with Jesus, and the disciples. Walk with Jesus into Easter.