"Walk with Jesus into Easter 2022 …"

Christians around the world will celebrate Easter this week. The celebration of Easter is the most sacred season of the year, much more so than Christmas. Our approach to Good Friday is somewhat sombre as we reflect on why Christ meekly trekked to the cross after His final week of earthly ministry, and how He died so terribly. We are humbled on Good Friday as we gratefully, reverently worship and give thanks, moved so deeply that our Saviour died for our sins before we ever even knew Him, such was the love of the Father for us,

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son …”.

Then, on resurrection morning, Christians are so full of joy at what the cross has achieved in their lives and for the eternity to which they look forward. Christ is Risen! And we are raised with Him to new life! NEW LIFE! Hallelujah! We celebrate with exuberant, passionate worship, holding nothing back in our praise for our all-conquering Redeemer – who has conquered even death itself.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son …”.

April 10th was Palm Sunday for 2022. It is where we began the journey with Jesus to Calvary’s Hill. It is a remembrance of the day that Jesus entered Jerusalem, (in fact, fulfilling Old Testament prophecy to the very day), as He was hailed King of the Jews and the Messiah by those who lined the roadsides and cheered Him. A week later the cheering stopped! These same ones were now screaming for His blood. In order to understand the true significance of these events we need a clear picture of the actual time-line. A careful examination of the Gospel accounts of this last week before Resurrection Day gives us a clear picture of what Jesus was doing and where He was each day of the week before He was crucified and raised from the dead in order to redeem His people.’

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son …”.

So where was Jesus? And what exactly did He do and say each day of the last week before His death? Here is the Biblical narrative gleaned from the Gospel accounts themselves and arranged chronologically for you to be reading this week, so that you might journey with the Lord and meditate on what really happened each day with Jesus, and the disciples. Walk with Jesus into Easter. Make it a personal pilgrimage.

May your Easter pilgrimage be rich and deep as you reflect, give thanks, worship and celebrate the Man of Sorrows who is our Redeemer and Great High Priest.

Keep a journal ready and listen for kairos moments this week – there will be many, I’m sure. What is God saying to you on your personal pilgrimage? What does He want to share with you from His heart to yours? What fresh insights have come to you? Will you walk differently with Him post-Easter for having had this special experience in the Word?

Join me in the journey this week …

Your journey reading guide

1. Sun. April 10th

·         Matt. 20:17-34

·         Mark 10:32-52

·         Luke 18:31-43


2. Mon. April 11th

·         Matt. 21:1-11

·         Mark 11:1-10

·         Luke 19:29-38

·         John 12:12-15


3. Tue. April 12th

·         Matt. 21:12-17

·         Mark 11:15-17

·         Luke 19:45-46


4. Wed. April 13th

·         Matt. 21:18 – 26:16

·         Mark 11:11 – 14:11

·         Luke 20:1 – 22:6


5. Thu. April 14th

·         Matt. 26:17-75

·         Mark 14:12-72

·         Luke 22:7-62

·         John. 13:1 – 18:27


6. Fri. April 15th

·         Matt. 27:1-61

·         Mark 15:1-47

·         Luke 22:66 – 23:55

·         John 18:28 – 19:42


7. Sat. April 16th

·         Matt.27:62-66

·         Luke 23:56


8. Sun. April 17th

·         Matt. 28:1-8

·         Mark 16:1-6

·         Luke 24:1-11

·         John 20:1-8

Pray, reflect, remember … rejoice.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son …”.

You are incredibly loved.

Ps Milton