Our Mission (What we do)
To communicate the Good News about Jesus Christ to all so that lives can be restored.
To gather in community rejoicing in all that God is doing amongst us, and sharing that joy with others.
To grow a warmly accepting and encouraging environment where people are empowered to reimagine a whole new life of amazing potential with God.
Our Vision (Where we are heading)
“With God’s help we want to become a strong and vibrant, multi-cultural church of mission-hearted Christ-followers, who are greatly impacting our community with the Good News of Jesus Christ, through our compassion and sense of hope, a powerful healing ministry, and through the planting of more new churches. We want to become a strong, prophetic, and generous church that greatly encourages, resources, and empowers other churches and ministers in their mission endeavours.”
At ReChurch our church life is based more on relationships and God's Word, the Bible. We do have guidelines for accountable governance and we also have a solid Safe Churches policy for the proper protection of all people.
Being a Church of Christ, a movement that is now over 200 years old, we have three basic statements that guide us:
“In the essential things (for salvation) we have unity. In the non-essential things we have liberty that respects different points of view, and in ALL thing we show grace to all. ”
We're not going to let a difference of opinion over something arguable hurt our unity of fellowship.