Using this footy parlance as an analogy, how would you describe yourself as a believer? Are you a barracker with minimal investment in your faith walk? Or, are you a supporter?
"There’s a rain coming …"
Rain is a very strong metaphor in our culture for sadness, grief, tears and dark times in our lives. But rain in the biblical sense is often a key metaphor for a new and exciting time when God pours out His Spirit. The prophetic word we have received in this last week, indicates that there is a fresh rain coming. Not only that…
"Tenha paciência"
"Eschatological Complexity?..."
As someone recently said, “God graciously put Himself into a form that we humans could understand and sense”, and draw near to. “Complexity took on the form of simplicity that night without losing any of the complexity” And that is so powerful, so all-pervading in the spiritual realm, that men and women in all their Christmas rushing about stop at nativity scenes today and gaze in reverent wonder.
"The Reason …"
"For Want of a Nail..."
"Let's Talk About the War..."
Many Christians are quick to attribute their difficult situation to spiritual attack when this is just not true (and sometimes we are undergoing a test of our faith). In doing so, we avoid taking responsibility for our behaviours and choices. Satan cannot willy-nilly assault a Christian and overpower them. But Christians often…
The thinking of this world - its values and its rationales, values and reasonings - are all a particular kind of spiritual darkness that threatens to overwhelm us – and keep us in the dark, stumbling along our way, unable to confidently find our way forward. Spiritual darkness is extremely powerful, and…
"The Seeds Have Been Sown …"
I am convinced that the most serious factor driving of our national social decline is the erosion of morals and values. Once upon a time, not so long ago, this decline was somewhat hidden. There was a certain shame attached to it. So much was kept in the closet because we knew it was wrong. Not now. The manifestation…
"Freedom of Speech stifled … again..."
We live in a world where the perpetually outraged are constantly looking for soft targets to exact some kind of revenge, satisfy some imagined right to moral reparations, or some “rebalancing” in our culture. They’re aggressively looking for ways to silence the voice of the Bible, to marginalise and even silence…
"But God was …"
"Remembering …"
"Wolves …"
"The Supernatural Life"
"Open Your Eyes …"
"Acceptance isn't influence"
The virus of progressivism has even infiltrated many churches today. In an effort to remain “relevant” to its surrounding culture, the church has bowed its knee to progressivism and now acceptance is a critical goal that, when finally attained, has no gospel influence, at all. This new acceptance means...