"Beyond …"

"Beyond …"

The Gospel of the kingdom takes us and calls us to live beyond gender stereotypes – male and female – beyond ethnicities, and beyond social constructs that place artificial values and inequalities upon human beings. That is, beyond the old order of things. In Christ, these all…

"It’s all so fleeting …"

"It’s all so fleeting …"

Life is fleeting! How quickly your kids grow up and get married. How quickly the years fly by the older we get. Seasons come and go with alarming swiftness. I am currently ploughing through Paul Ham’s monolithic book on the Vietnam war. I’m up to chapter 37. I grew up during the Vietnam War era and, in page after page of the narration many images long forgotten came back to vivid memory….

"Moorings …"

"Moorings …"

One of the critical moorings from which we have broken free, is shame. But, not in the sense of the shame produced by our sense of broken identity because of sin. No, what I speak of is the sense of shamelessness – at the other end of the spectrum - that is so openly and blatantly displayed these days. We have seen so much of this of late – in very public arenas. Take, for instance,…



The apostle Paul is in jail. In a few weeks he will be executed for preaching the Gospel about Jesus Christ. His ministry has been a long and hard and, often dangerous, road. The letter to the Philippian church is one of two last letters he will write. The final one was…

“The WWYW Rallies”

“The WWYW Rallies”

The first soft victims were tossed aside, unable to draw their first breath let alone utter their first word of protest; and the children so often discarded by parents who didn’t want to stay married, were traumatised and many are now so angry. Now, more and more, women are the next soft victims, and we must stand up against it, not just in street march protests, with grandstanding politicians, but with…