We’re about to land on Christmas after an almost year-long journey. The ride has been quite bumpy for the most part, and when the captain called lockdown #6 – which was expected to last about a week – it got very, very turbulent, indeed.
“Righteous Perspective …”
"What Would Jesus Have Done?"
I am very aware that I am about to tread on sensitive ground. However, I do so with much love and as much grace as I have, to discern the Body of Christ with great respect. I love the church. If it were not for the church – the people of God – I would not be a believer today, let alone be in ministry serving the King of Kings.
"Know Your Place"
"Discerning the Body of Christ …"
Last year, in social media circles, FOGO – the Fear Of Going Out – was used by millennials as a light-hearted piece of slang to tease friends about their hesitancy to join in some social activity, especially night-clubbing. But over the course of 2021 FOGO has come to mean something far more disturbing.
"Where to draw the line …"
That means that any law a state government introduces that impacts on religious freedom cannot be overridden by the constitution. In Victoria, we are fast coming to the place where we Christians and “religious bodies” will be required to justify to secular authorities our freedom of religious expression.
That is a line in the sand for me. And that means it is time to speak.
"The Heat..."
"There Is A Time..."
"Behind The Scenes …"
"About rights …"
I am forever grateful that Jesus never insisted on His rights but, instead willingly laid them aside because He loved me – even when I was still a sinner and far, far from Him. I have no rights of ANY kind to this grace and love. If Jesus had not given up His rights, as God, we would all still be in sin – and eternally doomed.
"God's Timing…"
"The Fragrance of Worship"
“Let’s eat Grandma!”
"The Jumper"
After a few moments of staring at this old jumper in my mind’s eye, the Lord quietly said to me, “That jumper was stretched for so long and so hard, it could never return to its original shape. And so it is with the faith of these people you are shepherding. Their faith has been stretched so far and for long enough in this testing season, that it can never go back to its original size. Their faith is bigger now … and capable of so much more.
"There’s prophecy, and there’s prophecy …"
"He Restoreth My Soul … TODAY"
I prayed with a hurting brother this week who, with voice quavering in hurt, simply said to me, “Pastor, I feel so broken today, so hurt, so disappointed …”, and his voice trailed off a little before he gathered himself, “… I am concerned that I will not get over this … this brokenness.”…I wept with him.