Last week’s attack on Israel from the terrorist group, Hamas, has triggered a fresh outbreak of end times speculation. This seems to happen every time there is a serious clash in the Middle East involving Israel. That’s understandable, I guess, but this latest conflict is major and has triggered even more heightened speculation than usual. Some “commentators” reckon this could be “it”.
"The Starfish is my Neighbour …"
As I shared breakfast this morning and engaged in conversation with Ps Tony our talk ranged across many different themes. Prominent in all this was the eruption of violence in the middle east, and the upheavals and unrest all around the world including in our own land of Oz with The Voice tensions running high, and so on. And a feeling of…
"Manifestations – and what to do about them"
"The Elimination of Vilification Bill 2019 …"
"The Divine Scale of Values …"
"It’s in the Constitution …"
"It will happen …"
"Don’t give up, not now!"
"Walking with God …"
"The Priests of God & The Restrainer …"
But demons do not die. Yes, their time will come – Jesus, Himself, will deal with them. For now the church must be strong, righteous and courageous in intercession and prophetic declaration against all demonic influences without fear or favour. Through the work of the priests of God – the church – who must stand against demons and evil practices in their day, The Restrainer (Holy Spirit) works to ensure…
"The Priests of God …"
"Stress, Pressure … Transcendence"
And flowing from all that angst is an ever-growing stream of frustration, stress and anger. Each day more encroachment is fuel for that fire. All kinds of “forced errors” are being made by people who would never otherwise contemplate such behaviour or choices. In some of these scenarios irreparable damage is being done to souls and relationships – our nation. What do the people of God do in such a world…
"So we see..."
"Who decides?"
I am deeply concerned that the proposed legislation will be weaponised by postmodern wokeists , educationists and social engineers who will scream loudly against Christian views on a whole range of issues. Church websites, social media pages and so on are clearly being targeted here. Why do I think this? I simply observe the current behaviour of…
"Reality …"
Out there in the world everyone is busy creating their own reality in which to live. Well, that’s what people think they’re doing a lot of the time, whether consciously or unconsciously … We build our little worlds and live in them comfortably. This is reality, so we think. But then a life storm hits us and the little world we have created collapses and, suddenly, a bigger, much more real reality imposes itself on us, if I can phrase it is clumsily as that …
"Jesus asked to leave!"
When Jesus makes claim to the areas of our lives we have not yet surrendered to Him, it is because at that very place we are incredibly vulnerable to a worsening of our condition, and eventually demonic bondage. Right there we can plead with Jesus to away, or we can plead with Him in genuine repentance to set us free.
"The Sea of Glass …"
A lot of apocalyptic narrative and prophecy in Scripture is difficult to understand. Descriptions of things seen in prophetic visions by the likes of Daniel, Ezekiel and the Apostle John are so fantastic and overawing that they defy proper and precise description. But one of the things I have come to learn…