"The Restrainer …"

I sometimes reflect that we have no idea how much God is at work clearing the decks for His church on the ground as it goes about its work. There is most certainly a role for the church in doing the same – binding the influence and power of principalities and powers in the heavenly realm, and so on, through intercession and using its Christ given authority. There is such a critical role for the church to play in such intercession, and it must be seriously working at it as we seek to live out our calling as a royal priesthood.

But God is also at work. He is holding back the powers of darkness at this present time so that we are not overwhelmed. So powerful are these forces! But, our mighty God is so much more powerful. The apostle Paul reminded the church at Thessaloniki of this very fact because, in their day, evil seemed to be overwhelmingly unstoppable and they were so small in comparison. Their missional responsibility in that city was incredibly daunting. All kinds of institutionalised and cultural evils were rife. It was overwhelming. Added to that there was plenty of false teaching about, especially that Jesus had already returned and this was as good as it was going to get on earth, and things looked set to become even more dire. The apostle Paul writes to encourage them about many things – too many to explore here – including that Jesus was yet to come because certain things prophesied by Jesus, Himself, had not yet occurred.

Paul mentions that the anti-Christ will arise, yes, but that, in the meantime, the Restrainer was at work, limiting and holding back the forces of evil from completely overwhelming the world so that the church can continue its work in this desperate hour.

2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 (NIV) “And now you know what is holding him [anti-Christ] back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the One who now holds it back [the restrainer] will continue to do so till He is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of His mouth and destroy by the splendour of His coming.”

So much to discuss here, right? For now, know this: as bad as our current world seems to be, and as evil and impossibly corrupt things have become, and these might well continue to worsen, the Restrainer is preventing the world from being completely overwhelmed by evil. Holy Spirit is holding back the full ferocious force of evil. Paul clearly states here that there will come a time when the Restrainer (Holy Spirit) will loosen the restraints so that the lawless one will be revealed for all to see. He will apparently thrive for a brief time and deceive millions before Jesus, Himself, intervenes to destroy him.

Here is my point in this piece today … God is still in charge, regardless of how bad things seem in the natural, in our world. The Restrainer is providing “grace space” for the church to fulfil its mission for the Lord. This is so encouraging. Nothing can stop God’s kingdom agenda. No matter how hard the powers of darkness strain and push and connive to overwhelm the world with evil, the Restrainer holds them in check so that the light can still be seen in the darkness. This makes sense of why Jesus said …

Matthew 10:16 (NIV)
"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”

When Jesus said, “Take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33), I reckon He was prophesying about these kinds of things that are coming, when we consider the full context of John 16.

The Restrainer is holding back the flood of evil - for now. We should, therefore, have every confidence that we will succeed in this grace space He is holding open. Of course, this grace space is finite – it will end soon and then the flood will come.

Again Jesus prophesied this when He said …

John 9:4 (NIV) “As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.”

Time is short. It is time to get serious … for night is coming. And then there will little we can do. Let is use the day while we have it.

Think on these things, and pray with me.

Ps Milton