"It takes just one …"

I am currently ploughing through Aussie journalist, Sharri Markson’s, new book: “What Really Happened in Wuhan”. It’s an exhaustive, investigative examination of the origins of the COVID-19 virus, the ensuing global pandemic – and the great cover up of how it all started, and why. Markson’s forensic detail and slew of eye-witnesses – some no longer alive – make for shocking reading, and I am only about halfway through the book. It is an exposé of outstanding quality, impeccable, verifiable sources from many sectors and experts, and she pulls no punches.

From the earliest reports coming out of Wuhan in China about the “natural origins” of this deadly virus, virtually all western media outlets went along with the official storyline promulgated by Chinese officials – it all somehow happened in a wet market where all manner of live animals and fish were sold for food. That line was pushed not only by China but the World Health Organisation (which was subsequently proven to be hopelessly biased towards China and thus, fatally compromised in its objectivity). This official storyline remained current for months on end as Chinese officials all the while refused all outside help to tackle the virus, refused all access to viral samples which would have expedited vaccine development, and refused any verification process to ascertain the exact origins of the virus. The Chinese government vehemently denounced and discredited anyone who dared to suggest that the virus was manufactured and somehow escaped the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Many local doctors, scientists and nurses in Wuhan hospitals were either punished for declaring how contagious and deadly the virus was (allegedly so as to not cause public panic) as the bodies literally piled up around them in corridors and on disused buses, or they were simply “disappeared”. Some died of the virus as they tried to contain the outbreak.

Any suggestion that the virus may have been manmade was met with shrill, aggressive western media voices that labelled any such suggestion, or the person making said suggestion, as conspiracist and racist. Even the most qualified scientific experts around the world dared not speak in contradiction of the official line for fear of condemnation, loss of professional reputations – and even loss of their careers. And universities – dozens of them – as well as scientific research institutes funded by benefactors, taxpayers and other research organisations, enforced a strict code of silence for fear of loss of funding for their own ongoing research.

All of this aided a massive cover up as to what really happened in Wuhan. Markson’s investigation is deeply saddening reading on so many levels, and by the time I got to page 158 and met Professor Nikolai Petrovsky, and what he innocently discovered, my blood was boiling because of the tidal wave of lost lives caused by COVID-19 – all of which were preventable.

Petrovsky, who lives and works in Adelaide, is an eminent medical scientist who is highly respected worldwide. With the aid of the Oracle Company supercomputer Petrovsky went to work developing a COVID-19 vaccine. This involved uploading genetic sequencing data and DNA profiles for dozens of animals from Wuhan – bats, pangolins, cats, civets and many others, as well as human genetic data. The objective was to find the natural source – in which host animal had the virus originated and by which pathway had it jumped to humans, and so create an effective vaccine. The simulations and modelling were designed to ascertain to which animal the virus best fitted and was thus highly contagious in that species. One animal came out on top of the list – and it was a perfect match. It was a human.

Petrovsky was shocked. He had not expected this – he was looking to create a vaccine as quickly as possible that would save lives. He now had in front of him what was irrefutable proof that the virus was manmade, and had not jumped from any animal to humans. The source was a laboratory in Wuhan, and was not naturally occurring at all. To cut a long (431 page) story short, eventually Petrovsky’s research was published for peer review, but only after many refusals and tactics by scientific publishers to not do so along with many more political obstacles. So many were fearful of backlash and of being labelled by wokeists as crazy conspiracy theorists, or racists. Petrovsky persisted, as a matter of integrity – this was how he was brought up. He could not, and would not conceal the truth regardless of the cost.

But here’s the thing: because of Petrovsky’s courageous integrity finally breaking through, dozens and dozens of other scientists all over the globe suddenly emerged from anonymity in strong support of Petrovsky’s findings. The overwhelming consensus was that there was a “99.99% probability” that the virus was created in a laboratory, and either accidently or purposely leaked into the community. This research has been on the record since March 2020, yet not a single major media outlet in Australia has reported on it. Why? Markson, herself, has been lampooned and attacked as a conspiracist for simply gathering and reporting the facts – we are not talking conjecture here, or opinion, or commentary.

My point in all of this, is that it only took one man to have the courage to speak the truth before – in the end – hundreds of others stood with him and, as a direct result, better vaccines were produced much faster. Petrovsky’s was a risky integrity. It was dangerous. But he still did it. He took a stand for what was right – and others then found the courage within themselves to do the same.

Dear friends, we live in a world, a country, where shrill, aggressive and vindictive woke ideologies are wielded like baseball bats to club into silence anyone who dares to speak the truth about anything that is plainly wrong, or unrighteous, immoral or unholy – this has infected the church, in many places. Too many Christians are fearful when we should be bold for truth – intelligently bold, articulate speakers of truth, not rude, holier-than-thou, ungracious ranters and condemners. There are many in our community who would be emboldened to speak up and stand with us – Christian, or not - if we had the courage to speak in such grace and truth – without compromise, without loss of love for anyone – when necessary. The prophet Daniel did this in his day – and the king listened. We have no idea what evil would be held back, prevented or completely undone if even one courageous man or woman of God would be prepared to stand and speak truth in His name when that was necessary.

It’s one of the reasons we remnain deployed here …

2 Timothy 4:2-5 (NIV)
“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you, keep your head in all situations …”

Think on these things.

Ps Milton