"The Real Reason We’re Born Again..."

Most Christians know and understand that because of Christ’s atoning work they are spiritually regenerated (born again) and thus restored to the pre-fall divine order of spirit, soul and body; and the result of this is that they are connected to God. It is a relationship, a covenant, guaranteed and sealed by the blood of Jesus. This is a marvellous, amazing mystery that we accept by faith.

But this idea of connection to God, although true, is an insufficient understanding (by itself) of what it means to be born again. Over the years I have heard many reasons for us being born again, from being able to speak in tongues to receiving spiritual gifts and so on. But these things are consequential to our being born again – results and experiences of being born again, which are wonderful, of course, but these are not the real reason we are born again.

Of primary importance concerning this ‘connection’ to God, by far (in terms of understanding), is that God has put in us a new spirit which is the dwelling place of His Spirit.

This is the real reason we are born again!

The scriptures are clear about this in both the Old and New Testaments. Look at what Ezekiel prophesied:

Ezekiel 36:26-27 (NIV)
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put My Spirit in you and move you to follow My decrees and be careful to keep My laws.”

Look at what Jesus said: John 7:37-38 (NRSV) On the last day of the festival, the great day, while Jesus was standing there, He cried out, "Let anyone who is thirsty come to Me, {38} and let the one who believes in Me drink. As the scripture has said, 'Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water.'"

Look at what the apostle Paul said: 1 Corinthians 3:16 (NIV) “Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?”

The real reason we are born again is so that God has a dwelling place in us – in our regenerated spirit which is, necessarily, holy and sanctified. God explicitly instructed Moses in the building of the tabernacle, and then David in the careful design and function of the temple in Jerusalem so that He would have an appropriate dwelling place amongst His people. A place that He designed and created for His presence. In a similar way, God created a place within the born-again person which He made come alive with His eternal presence – His life. This is why we have been regenerated – so that God’s Spirit is able to dwell in us.

And so, here’s the thing: if we accept God’s promise in its totality, trusting in the divine fact that at regeneration God has given us a new life, PLUS the indwelling of His Spirit – the very Person of Holy Spirit, His personality, His love, His grace, His mercy, His forgiveness – then our spiritual life will progress tremendously and with great power and excitement. We need to trust that this is divine fact. We know we’re born again, but we need to fully appreciate that the main reason for this is so that God has a dwelling place in us. We need to appreciate and respect this so that we are careful to honour Holy Spirit and develop such deep intimacy with Him, so that our spiritual operational capacity – our spirit’s sensitivity and intuition – grows very, very strong and confident. So that we are led by Holy Spirit and not by our soulish opinions.

It is so critical for the born-again person to properly recognise and humbly respect just who it is that dwells within their regenerated spirit as they walk in spirit by faith. Why is it so vitally important that we understand how the Spirit of God indwells us, in our innermost being, our holy of holies, deeper than the organs and faculties of thought, emotion, feeling, will and decision? Why? Because, unless the born-again person understands and honours this, and trusts this, and looks to Holy Spirit, they will inevitably default to seeking Holy Spirit in the unsanctified place of the soul. And so, we walk by faith – not feelings and soulish perceptions – and we continue to do so trusting that Holy Spirit is working deep within us as we humbly submit, so that our spirit is nurtured and increased, rising above soul to govern our whole being. (This is being “seated with Christ”).

One more thing: when we truly honour and respect He who dwells within us through our loving and faithful obedience, the joy and peace of the Lord is released to us (and many other blessings, too) – and progressively we don’t want to keep sinning. We born-agains, often don’t properly appreciate the exalted position which this Person occupies in us. We don’t appreciate it; we don’t respect it enough. We even sink into despising His indwelling by following the dictates of our soul – right in front of His eyes.

We need to humble ourselves before Him … and learn with humility and reverence to respect such a Holy Presence and be willing to allow Him to work in us and finish what the cross started ...

Ephesians 4:30 (NIV)
“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”


Ps Milton