“The list of last things …”

It’s Sunday night and I have finally got to my daily Bible reading on my March reading plan. It is such a confirmation after preaching this morning’s message.

John 16:33 (ESV)
[Jesus] “I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

What things did Jesus tell His disciples? “I have said these (particular) things to you, that in Me you may have peace.” Earlier in chapter 16 Jesus mentioned some very specific things to the disciples as He realises that His time with them now is so very short, and the spectre of the cross was looming large. It is a time for mentioning and explaining the last important things His followers needed to hear. Jesus clearly says that tough times are coming for them; that strong opposition to the gospel message - and the preachers of the gospel - was ramping up in the spiritual realm. No doubt He could sense it coming. He said that they would be expelled from the synagogues as heretics, that they may even be killed by people thinking they were doing God’s bidding.

But the list of last things actually starts a chapter before (in 15) where Jesus describes His relationship with His disciples as being like a vine with many branches. He emphasises the importance – the absolute vital importance – of us abiding with Jesus. Staying strongly, closely connected to Him. The life of the vine flows to the branches … no connection and the branch quickly shrivels and dies. Yet, even in the troubled times coming which Jesus mentions in chapter 16, the connected branches will always bear fruit for the glory of the Father. “Abide in my love …”, He says. He now calls the disciples His friends and commands them to love one another as He has loved them.

He warns that the world will hate them because the world hates Jesus who has chosen them out of this world – called them to Himself for God’s great purposes. But then He mentions that the “Helper” is coming – the Spirit of Truth – and He will bear witness about Jesus when they proclaim the Gospel. Anointed preaching!

John 16:1 (ESV) “I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away.”

The time was coming where great spiritual and worldly opposition would fight the disciples even with the threat of martyrdom. But Jesus urged them, “Abide in my love, stay connected to the vine, love another as I have loved you, and I will send the Helper to you …” so that you won’t fall away …

Jesus now explains the ministry of Holy Spirit … He will convict people of sin, and He will guide them into all truth, and more. Some of the disciples were more than a little perplexed as they realise Jesus is announcing His actual departure. “What are we going to do? How will we cope?” You can imagine their concern when they realise how short a time left with Jesus there is.

John 16:20 (ESV)
[Jesus] “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.”

It will be tough. But their sorrow at Him returning to the Father will turn to joy as hundreds, and thousands, come into a saving relationship with Christ – joined to the vine, also. Fruit! In other words, Jesus is saying, “Hard as it might be, with help from Holy Spirit, you can do this and you won’t fall away, there will be joy.” The conversation continues with His disciples and as He speaks more and more plainly and not figuratively, they realise how important is their mission – and how dangerous. Jesus even says …

John 16:32 (ESV)
“Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave Me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with Me.”

This is all very, very heavy stuff for the disciples to hear. It’s part of a long list of last things Jesus has been waiting to say to them before His trek to the cross. But He explains “these things” with the approach of evil opposition to them and the Gospel – staying connected, loving one another, that they are no longer servants but His friends, that He would send Holy Spirit to help them and guide them. Four key things on His list of last things … and these things would be more than enough for them to know peace in the midst of it all and not fall away.

John 16:33 (ESV)
“I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

These items on the list of last things to say to His friends will become active and rich … in Him. These things are not just bits of information and knowledge. They are powerful spiritual dynamics and realities that go active and become powerfully real when needed, as we abide in His love and never get separated from the vine. They would have peace in the midst of it all … in Him.

Is this list of last things enough for you, dear believer? Are they enough in the midst today with all that is going on for you? Oh, yes! They are. The life and power of God comes through the vine to the branches. Connection, abiding, is crucial – without it there is nothing. And relying in faith on this list of last things Jesus wanted to share with His friends, they went and preached the Gospel, the Church was born, they overcame the world and were initiated into a joy so transcendent, so potent that they gladly gave their lives for Christ and His kingdom cause. They did not fall away – the peace was far too strong for that.

This same list of last things … is for us today, as it was back then for the friends of Jesus.

Think on these things. Rely on these things in faith … and in Him, you, too will have peace in the midst of any storm … and you will not fall away.

You are so very loved …

Ps Milton