“Let me reassure you!”

I think winter is well and truly here! As I write this it is very bleak and rainy outside. The seasons come and go, but the bleak will eventually give way to sun, green and new life … and, before you know it, summer will be back once again.

But right now, though, it is winter … and it is cold.

I well remember in High School studying the works of William Shakespeare and coming upon Richard’s speech in the play, Richard III, in Act 1, Scene 1 where he says, “Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this son of York …”. For the young students in that High School classroom it appeared that Richard was expressing his own miserable discontent at his circumstances. But our teacher, Mr Ireland, patiently helped us see that the opposite was, indeed, the case. Our teacher patiently helped us to understand language, phraseology and the flow of poetry so that in carefully reading and interpreting we saw something very different – and the light came on.

Richard was not expressing dismay, but the opposite. He is is celebrating the reversal of the family’s fortunes following the War of the Roses and years of civil war in England as his brother becomes King Edward the IV and all that sadness, like winter, is turned into joy like a bright new summer season that had finally arrived. The clue is in the second line of the speech, “made glorious summer” – that’s the pivot point. At first glance we could mistakenly interpret Richard’s mood, but a closer look reveals something quite different.

One of the things that I pray I am helping you to do with this new sermon series is to re-look at Scriptures you may have read dozens of times over the years with a fresh lens, a different perspective, fresh eyes, to see things clearly that were always there but, perhaps, missed for some reason.

This biblical concept of spirit-soul-body that I have been teaching about is important for the born again to understand. The regenerated spirit – now unmixed with soul – is free to direct soul, and then soul to direct body (flesh). We have been delivered of the power of the flesh to control soul – it was never meant to be that way. Spirit must direct soul, and soul must direct body – that is righteousness established in us by the cross. This is the testimony of Abraham who went all the way to Mt Moriah at the behest of God to kill his only son, Isaac, as a sacrifice to the Lord. It was a test, of course! We know that – but Abraham never did. Abraham overcomes flesh trying to control mind (soul) – which is what obedience to God really is – and at the last moment God stays his hand, and Isaac is restored to his father. This is what obedience, or faithfulness, looks like. This is walking in righteousness, that is, with flesh in submission to the spirit-led soul. That’s what humility is, too! That’s how God saw Abraham …

Romans 4:3
"Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness."

Yet, Abraham never had the benefit of the cross …

The scriptures state categorically in several places that we were crucified with Christ – it is a repeated and reinforced New Testament theme. Why? Because it is vital that we understand what that means, and what that does in us. As far as God is concerned, we are dead to sin because of our death with Christ. The most graphic of these statements is in Galatians (where the apostle is really quite angry that the church had forgotten this essential thing).

Galatians 5:24-25
“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by spirit [now], let us keep in step with spirit [ongoing].”

When we understand the work of the cross of Christ that atones for our sins AND that there we were crucified with Him, (our flesh was put to death when Christ was put to death), we understand how important our baptism is as a sacrament (a means by which God imparts His grace to us in a specific way), and we also understand what power we carry in us as born agains. Let me encourage you and reassure you that as you persevere, as you lean into the Lord for understanding, there will come pivot point moments as you are meditating on a Scripture when a light comes on and you are given new understanding – joyful revelation …

I know for some of you this series has been challenging. I hope that is true in a good way. There have been ideas and teaching that are hard to get your head around, again, let me reassure you that if you approach these things with a heart that really wants to know, God will grant you revelation – and there is a very special joy attached to revelation. Be assured and encouraged … and remember Daniel …

Daniel 10:12 He [The Archangel, Michael] said to me, "Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words [prayers].”

Keep leaning in. Keep enquiring. Really desire to know God’s Word in humble receptivity … and from the very first of your prayers concerning such, you are being heard, and God Himself will explain things to you. He will draw your attention to a word or phrase, a pivot point, and you will see, perhaps, what you could not see before …

Be reassured. Exciting times are ahead.

Sunday’s installment will really encourage you!

Your are so precious to Him.

Ps Milton