"Kairos …"

Back in the 80s I was part of a group that travelled to Sydney for a John Wimber convention. It was an amazing week of learning. I also met, there, an ACT Uniting Church minister, by name, Dan Armstrong. He was instrumental, as I recall, in getting Wimber to Australia. When Dan got up to open the convention he said that what was about to occur in the next four days was because of a kairos season opening for us all (or words to that affect). That would later prove to be, indeed, prophetic. But then Dan explained what he meant by “kairos” season. He said, “A kairos time is God’s anointed, appointed time.”

In other words there is a “time” when, in the endless and flawless wisdom of God, that He has caused a great convergence of dynamics to create this kairos moment, or season. There are two words for “time” in the ancient Greek language in which the New Testament was originally written. “kronos” (chronos) is the time we understand as measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days and so on, up to centuries, millennia and even eons. We have clocks to pinpoint chronos time, and we call these chronometers, and “chronology” is the timeline sequence by which historical events have occurred. The other Greek word used in the ancient text of the New Testament for “time” is “kairos” – it is not a measurement of time in any strict sense. Kairos “times” or seasons are, as I mentioned, moments or opportunities, or movements in history (great or small) where God has caused events to converge providing the perfect time for something to happen – that He wants to happen. In addition, kairos moments are also windows of opportunity that God has caused – they are opened for us, briefly sometimes, and then closed again. Anointed invitations at the most opportune time.

For example, the apostle Peter wrote …

1 Peter 4:17 (NIV)
“For it is time (kairos) for judgment to begin with God's household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

That’s an example of a set God-appointed, anointed time that is coming but not in a chronos time sense.

And the apostle Paul said, …

1 Corinthians 4:5 (NIV)
“Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time (kairos); wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time (then) each will receive their praise from God.”

OK, so there it is again, an appointed time that God has initiated or set, but for which no time or date might be set. In short, in the New Testament, kairos means the appointed time in the purposes of God, the time when He acts. The first mention of kairos in the New Testament is in Mark’s Gospel, and Jesus declared it …

Mark 1:14-15 (NRSV)
Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, 15 and saying, “The time (kairos) is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.”

That was a pretty momentous kairos season!

In his great book, “Building a Discipling Culture”, author and pastor Mike Breen, has given us what he calls “Life Shapes” tools to assist us in maximising our discipleship journey. One of the Life Shapes – which we use at ReChurch – is the Learning Circle. It is based on the kairos moments God brings to us individually. These are windows of opportunity where God issues an invitation to us to change something in our lives, or know something He is revealing to us, that would not otherwise be possible or known. Every Christian is given kairos moments every day, but we are so often unable to recognise them – we’ve never been taught how, probably.

Kairos moments come in all shapes and sizes, and in all kinds of experiences, too. They can be positive experiences such us a prophetic word, a healing, a major provision from God, a promotion at work, or a revelation from God’s word (logos). They can be negative, too, or painful - a warning dream, discipline from Holy Spirit, confrontation over behaviour/sin from another believer/elder, a significant loss causing pain or grief, a missed opportunity, perhaps even witnessing a tragic event. There thousands of different ways God uses to bring kairos windows of opportunity to converge so that we take stock, and change (i.e. repent and start thinking the way God does), or go with God. Breen says, that a kairos moment/event is a life learning moment … there are dozens of ways in which we could encounter one. We have to learn the art of prayerfully thinking and walking through life alert for them.

Many a time I have looked back in my life and recognised missed kairos moments – but, they’re gone forever. There are some things God only does once, in that tiny window of opportunity. That window could be open for a year, a decade, maybe more – it could also be open for mere seconds, and then it is gone and with it the anointing to make it all happen.

Much of our discipleship journey is so much more effective and transformation so much more powerful when we recognise these kairos moments that God has caused, or has permitted, to converge in our individual lives inviting change and the power to change, as well. We need to be able to see them, and use the anointing that comes with them – God’s anointed, appointed times – for change to occur. This is God’s grace at work perfecting us.

Of course, kairos moments are not just to do with our discipleship maturation and increase. God hands us appointed, anointed opportunities to engage with His kingdom work, too. For example, Paul writes …

Galatians 6:10 (NIV)
“Therefore, as we have opportunity (lit. kairos moments), let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

We need to know how to recognise these kairos moments and use them, or they will pass us by and we may never, ever realise they had come near - and we will be so much the poorer for that. In coming weeks we’ll be learning how to do this in our Connect Groups using the Learning Circle – exciting times ahead!

Think on these things.

Ps Milton

(Sources: Building a Discipling Culture, Mike Breen; 3DM blogs.)