"Halloween – Satan’s favourite day of the year."

I don’t know why it is, but it is … the American cultural “celebration” of Halloween is now somewhat of a phenomenon embedded in Aussie culture. Why? It was never a thing when I was growing up in Melbourne. Never. I just don’t get it. But, we Aussies – some of us anyway – seem to need to copy American popular culture for some strange and inexplicable reason (and no, I’m not anti-American in the least bit). Call it the Coca-Cola-isation, or MacDonalds-isation of Australia, or something, though, I’m pretty sure that the main driver is crass commercialism.

October 31st just gone was yet another ghoulish Halloween celebrated in all manner of spooky ways around the neighbourhoods of Melbourne. Everywhere for the last few weeks Halloween has been promoted on TV and radio, magazines - especially toyshops - and almost every commercial enterprise. Schools, too! (I find it so galling that parents have to sign permission forms to opt in to religious education sessions in schools but that Halloween “projects” are part of the school curriculum these days!). Some churches even celebrated Halloween as well – apparently as a “Christian” response. I kind of appreciate the well-intentioned nature of this but, frankly and bluntly, I just don’t think the church should be doing this, at all.

Halloween is a demonically-inspired pagan festival dating back many centuries to ancient England. It goes way back to the ancient Celtic tribes of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Britain. On October 31, the tribes would celebrate the festival of Samhain. During this festival, the Celts believed the souls of the dead – including ghosts, goblins, and witches – returned to mingle with the living. And so, In order to scare away the evil spirits, people would wear masks and light bonfires and so on. How can that ever be Christianised?

Rather than ignoring the annual celebration of Halloween, an increasing number of churches now view it as a mission opportunity to promote themselves in the wider community. This is seriously misguided, I think.

These so-called ‘Christian responses’ to Halloween are really just offering a more sanitised version of the very same thing. Why? Trying to be positive is a good, well-intentioned thing, I suppose, but it doesn’t change the nature of the event itself - and what is actually happening. The church and Christians should have nothing to do with Halloween. The following comment from a prominent Satanist probably sums up my concerns. Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, said some years ago: "I am glad that Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year. Welcome to Halloween." Don’t believe me? Google it.

LaVey certainly gets what’s really going on but, apparently, many Christians still don’t. Halloween is a devil-worshipping event – and this cannot be explained away by any good intention. Do Christians not see the issue here?

Why would any Christian want to honour the devil, or even draw attention to him like this? Many see no harm in Halloween because they think it is just so “fun” for the kiddies. Kids get about with ghoulish facepaint, they’re dressed up in innocent (and not so innocent) costumes, houses are decorated—even some churches display the odd Halloween pumpkin and candle. We think, because we are not performing any demonic rituals or human sacrifices, per se, that we are on safe ground. Nope! As soon as you dress up, whether you colour yourself or put on a costume, you are identifying with the enemy - and he is using you from that point. It is all on his terms from there on in. Because in so identifying, you have turned over your legal rights, and you have dedicated yourself and your kids to celebrating the devil's holiday. Our identity is in Christ. I say again, the demonic cannot be sanitised by calling it fun. When you do all this, you do a deal with the enemy, and expose your kids spiritually in all the role-playing and trick or treating.

Please don’t do this!

Celebrate October 31st for much better reasons than Halloween’s demonic agenda. I forget where I read this (years ago now, I have the file note), but here it is, and it is worth pondering afresh. “The only reason we aren't all Roman Catholic, the only reason we are allowed to actually read Bibles and keep them in our homes without putting our lives at risk, the only reason we are able to worship Jesus in a way that is separated from government, the only reasons we have freedom to voice our disagreements with church authorities, the only reason we have pastors and not priests, the only reason we aren't being burned at the stake or exiled for sharing the true Biblical Gospel today is because of the Protestant Reformation that happened 500 years ago on October 31.” (Quote source not known).

So, instead of succumbing to demonic agendas – which is exactly what Halloween is, regardless of attempts to Christianise it – let’s celebrate and praise God for these things we have inherited from the Reformers. Let’s not help Satan celebrate, in the name of some ‘Christianised’ alternative - because Halloween is inextricably linked with death and evil. Why give it any oxygen, and involve your kids? It is a Satanic celebration (I use the word loosely) which is rooted in witchcraft – no question. It’s not fun for any bible-believing Christian – it should be repugnant - and it can never be sanitised with any well-meaning intention.

Think on these things.

Ps Milton

[Adapted from various sources: Theology Digest; Wikipedia; Christianity Today; Charisma News 25.10.2017; numerous internet BLOGs and file notes of which original primary sources are no longer available]