We believe that God’s will is always to give life and life more abundant, and we pray for healing by declaring that belief. We pray for healing for the sick because Christian compassion calls for it and God delights to heal people. No one who is an earthly father would want to watch his child suffering in pain and anguish.

Neither does our Heavenly Father. Everyone can come, we are open to the public and welcome all who come. ReChurch Healing Rooms is opened every third Saturday of every month, except in January. We pray for physical healing primarily and then anything else the Lord reveals. 

As you prepare for your visit to the Healing Rooms, we encourage you to begin declaring health and wholeness over yourself and your loved ones, using scripture to guide you.

Some examples:

The Word of God has become a part of me. It flows in my bloodstream to every cell of my body, restoring and transforming my body.  The Word has become flesh, for You sent Your Word and healed me. (Psalm 107:20; John 1:4)

Since Jesus is Lord over my life, I forbid sin, sickness and disease to have any power over me.  I am forgiven and free from sin and guilt.  I am dead to sin and alive unto the righteousness of God. (Col. 1:21-22).

Jesus Christ bore my sins in His own body on the tree; therefore, I am dead to sin and alive unto the righteousness of God, in Christ Jesus, and by His stripes I am healed and made whole. (1 Pet. 2:24; Rom. 6:11; 2 or. 5:21)

We believe that God’s will is always to give life and life more abundant, and we pray for healing by declaring that belief.